Just click on the bookmark design you would like to print.
These are two-fold printable bookmarks. You can use just the front section if you wish, but using the complete two-fold design is best for durability, and the back will print out with lines for "To" and "From" for gift-giving. If you choose this option, cut out, and fold the bookmark along the center line. When you view the bookmark, the fold will be on the right for strength when handling.
If you wish, print the bookmark on card stock. Alternatively, glue the two sides together, or cut thin card to fit and glue it inside for extra stability.
Preserving Your Bookmark:
Use transparent contact paper or lamination plastic if you would like to preserve the bookmark in a professional manner.
Related Printable Bookmarks:
See Mother's Day Bookmarks in the Mother's Day printable section. and Valentine Bookmarks in the Valentine Printables section.